Home > Blossary: Finance & Investment
M&A Glossary of Terms

Category: Business

303 Terms

Created by: kirb

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

The division of a company's capital stock into different groups, with each separate class (i.e. group) having specified rights designated in the company's certificate of incorporation. Classes of ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

A clause in the agreement between the general partner and the limited partners of a private equity fund. The clawback gives limited partners the right to reclaim a portion of disbursements to a ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

The conclusion of a financing round whereby all necessary legal documents are signed and capital has been transferred.

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

Aither a) the right of a limited partner to invest with a general partner in portfolio companies, or b) the act of investing by two or more entities in the same target company also known as a Club ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

A letter provided by a company's independent accountants confirming financial information in the offering memorandum and detailing the procedures followed by the accountants at the request of the ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

Security given by a borrower to a lender in connection with a loan to insure that the lender is repaid. Lenders frequently accept collateral in tangible assets such as inventory, accounts receivable, ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

An obligation, typically the maximum amount that a limited partner agrees to invest in a fund.

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

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By: kirb