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Revelex development and business terms glossary


37 Terms

Created by: aroger

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

एक व्यक्ति जिसके ऊपर यात्रा की बुकिंग की सुविधा देने का दायित्व होता है। ट्रैवल एजेंसी का ...

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Κάποιος που αναλαμβάνει ταξιδιωτικές κρατήσεις. Μέλος ενός ταξιδιωτικού πρακτορείου.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Una persona que es responsable de la facilitación de reservas de viaje. Un miembro de una agencia de viajes.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Una condición especial de compra donde ningún dinero o muy poco es usado para asegurar el producto del viaje por un corto período de tiempo. Una compra esencial por tiempo limitado que requiere ser ...

Domain: Travel; Category: Air travel; Cruise; Hotels

A website designed with the intention of providing an optimized user experience independent of the browser used to access it. CSS is used for example, to make a website function well across PC ...

Domain: Internet; Category: Websites

A process by which new features are introduced to a sub-group of users of an application in order to get feedback and observe results of the change.

Domain: Software; Category: Software development

The specifics input and control techniques used by a user or group of users to interact with an application. For example, a user may frequently use keyboard input, even when mouse input is available.

Domain: Software; Category: Software engineering

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