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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Cultural anthropology

water table

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

water table, is the level of water under the earth..


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

The layer of cells in the back of the eye that contains two types of cells, rods and cones, that are sensitive to light.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

The latest major geological epoch, colloquially known as the "ice age" due to the multiple expansion and retreat of glaciers. Ca. 3. 000,000-10,000 years B. P.

genetic determinism

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

The idea that all behavior, including very specific behavior, is biologically based, in contrast to cultural determinism.

phyletic gradualism model

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

The idea that evolution is a slow process with gradual transformation of one population into another.

cultural determinism

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

The idea that except for reflexes all behavior is the result of learning.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

The idea that scientific evidence can be and has been gathered for creation as depicted in the bible. Mainstream scientists and the supreme court discount any scientific value of ...