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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Mythology


Anthropology; Mythology

A god from Norse mythology. Like all Norse gods, his fate has already been decided in the Prose Edda - he will die and this event will be a harbinger for the ragnarok. He is ...


Anthropology; Mythology

A female shaman of Norse paganism. Völva were reportedly able to perform a wide variety of magic, both helpful and harmful, but in particular their prophecising was powerful ...


Anthropology; Mythology

An event that will occur in Norse mythology. It is a long and harsh winter that is the harbinger to ragnarok, the end of the world. It will last for three years with no summers to ...


Anthropology; Mythology

The world tree from Norse mythology, around which all of the nine worlds are centered. It is normally considered to be an ash tree and it plays host to the daily meetings of the ...


Anthropology; Mythology

A large field that will be the battlefield of the ragnarok in Norse mythology.


Anthropology; Mythology

A gigantic hall located in Asgard, overseen by Odin. Warriors who die a heroic death and are chosen by Odin are escorted to Valhalla by valkyrie to becom einherjar, ready to fight ...


Anthropology; Mythology

One of the nine worlds from Norse mythology. The name roughly translates to "mist world" and is said to be intensely cold.