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The study of physical characteristics of earth and the distribution and effects of life on earth, especially that of humans.

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Geography > Geography


Geography; Geography

Longitude is the angular distance east or west from the north-south line that passes through Greenwich, England, to a particular location. Greenwich, England has a longitude of ...


Geography; Geography

The legend of a map (also called the key) is a small table accompanying the map that explains the symbols that are used on the map.


Geography; Geography

A landmark is a monument or some prominent object (like a mountain or lake) that is used to designate a place and determine one's location.


Geography; Geography

Latitude is the angular distance north or south from the equator to a particular location. The equator has a latitude of zero degrees. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees ...


Geography; Geography

A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land on all sides. Really huge lakes are often called seas.


Geography; Geography

The key of a map (also called the legend) is a small table accompanying the map that explains the symbols that are used on the map.


Geography; Geography

A lagoon is a shallow body of water that is located alongside a coast and separated from the ocean by a strip of land or a sandbank.