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Relating to public figures or personalities, celebrities or otherwise, who have made significant progress in their particular professional field, or who have helped or influenced wider society to an outstanding degree.

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People > Politicians

Alan Krueger

People; Politicians

Born on September 17, 1960, Alan Krueger is an economist, professor at Princeton University and researcher at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Krueger received his BA ...

Julius Malema

People; Politicians

Young South African politician, considered by many as the likely successor to Jacob Zuma as the South African president. Having risen from a poor background to incredible wealth ...

Jacques Chirac

People; Politicians

Jacques Chirac was born November 29, 1932 in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. He was the 22nd President of the French Republic, having served two terms from 17 May 1995 to May ...

François Mitterrand

People; Politicians

François Mitterrand was born October 26, 1916 in Jarnac, a French village, and died on 8 January 1996 in Paris. He was elected as the 21th president of the French Republic in ...

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing

People; Politicians

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, dubbed "VGE", was born February 2, 1926 in Koblenz, Germany. He was the 20th President of the French Republic, in power from 27 May 1974 to May 21, ...

4th Republic

People; Politicians

The Fourth Republic was the political system of France from October 1946 to October 1958. During this period, two presidents succeeded each other : Vincent Auriol (January 16, ...

Georges Pompidou

People; Politicians

Georges Pompidou was born July 5, 1911 at Montboudif, a French village, and died April 2, 1974 in Paris. He was elected the 19th President of the French Republic from 20 June ...