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Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.

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Plants > Herbs


Plants; Herbs

Digestives promote or aid in the digestion process. Such herbs include coriander, cumin, rock salt, turmeric, garlic, papaya, safflower and sage.


Plants; Herbs

An agent that cleanses infection by destroying or inhibiting the activity of disease-producing microorganisms.


Plants; Herbs

Sedative herbs are used to relieve irritability and promote calm, relax and tranquil feelings.


Plants; Herbs

Herbs that give strength and tone to the stomach, stimulate digestion, and improve the appetite. Examples: amalaki, bilwa, black pepper, cardamom, cedar, chitrak, cumin, ginger, ...


Plants; Herbs

Astringent: arrests hemorrhage and bleeding. Causes vascular contraction of the blood vessels or coagulation of the albuminous tissues of the blood. Checks hemorrhage. Examples: ...


Plants; Herbs

Tannins are naturally occurring phenolic compounds. They are astringent in nature and used to bind and precipitate proteins.


Plants; Herbs

Terpenes are organic compounds consists of hydrocarbons, found mainly in conifers. Terpenes have strong characteristic odors.
