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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religion > Christian theology


Religion; Christian theology

A term used in the aftermath of the Diet of Speyer (1529) to designate those who "protested" against the practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. Prior to 1529, such ...


Religion; Christian theology

A Trinitarian heresy, which treats the three persons of the Trinity as different "modes" of the Godhead. A typical modalist approach is to regard God as active as Father in ...

two natures, doctrine of

Religion; Christian theology

A term generally used to refer to the doctrine of the two natures, human and divine, of Jesus Christ. Related terms include "Chalcedonian definition" and "hypostatic union. "


Religion; Christian theology

A term coined by Leibnitz to refer to a theoretical justification of the goodness of God in the face of the presence of evil in the world.


Religion; Christian theology

A form of American Protestant Christianity which lays especial emphasis upon the authority of an inerrant Bible.

magisterial Reformation

Religion; Christian theology

A term used to refer to the Lutheran and Reformed wings of the Reformation, as opposed to the radical wing (Anabaptism).


Religion; Christian theology

A major early Christological heresy, which treated Jesus Christ as the supreme of God's creatures, and denied his divine status. The Arian controversy was of major importance in ...