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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Exercise physiology


Sports; Exercise physiology

Lying flat on your back with your knees in the air and bending over partially so that the back arches. Builds the abdominal muscles very effectively and is comparably more ...


Sports; Exercise physiology

Lying flat on your back with your knees in the air and bending over with your waist as the pivot so that the body almost completely touches the thighs. Builds abdominal muscles.


Sports; Exercise physiology

Cardiovascular activity and exercise that is best done on breezy, cool days. Meant to build endurance and is something that any able-bodied person should be able to do at the very ...

jumping jacks

Sports; Exercise physiology

Jumping, raising your hands by tracing arcs at your side, and splitting your feet apart, all at the same time, and then doing the reverse. A very tiring activity.


Fitness; Bodybuilding

The feeling of tired muscles working to get rid of the lactic acid buildup accumulated from anaerobic metabolism. Some learn to appreciate it and continue training despite the ...


Fitness; Bodybuilding

Twitching is still a physical activity, and some studies have shown that those who twitch or do some minor physical activity lose weight just a little faster than those who don't.


Sports; Exercise physiology

The type of muscle fiber in a given muscle. The difference between fast twitch and slow twitch is a trade-off between power and endurance: fast twitch is sprinting, slow twitch is ...