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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Fencing


Sports; Fencing

Fencers are required to wear masks. They have a protective neck piece to, of course, protect their neck. Fencing masks are made of a mesh wire so fencers can easily see through ...


Sports; Fencing

A designation for a fencer who has not ever placed in the top three in a tournament.


Sports; Fencing

One of the 8 basic ways or positions to hold a weapon, and the ways in which parries are made. The name further refers to the place where the parry will be scored, which is ...


Sports; Fencing

This is a multiple attack that involves two disengagements and two success parries.

on-guard line

Sports; Fencing

There are two On-Guard Lines and they are two meters on either side of the centerline. The On-Guard line is where the fencers stand to start or restart fencing.

out of bounds

Sports; Fencing

When a fencer moves outside of the Piste with both feet, his competitor is given a touch.


Sports; Fencing

A defensive move that allows a fencer to deflect or block your opponent's blade.