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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Golf

rub of the green

Sports; Golf

this happens when the ball is deflected or stopped by a third party or an object, such as a tree


Sports; Golf

This is a team competition format. Each player will hit a ball off the tee. The second shot will use the best one or two ball(s) that was hit off the tee. So if two players form ...


Sports; Golf

where every player hits from the golf tee and all players play the best tee-shot

scratch golfer

Sports; Golf

A golf player who has a zero handicap.


Sports; Golf

A severe hook of the golf shot; named because it resembles the shape of a shrimp.

shooting your age

Sports; Golf

a round of 18 holes of golf where a given player has a score equal to, or less than, his/her age

short game

Sports; Golf

This refers to that part of the game where you are not hitting the ball far: Putting, Pitching and Chipping.