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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Snowboarding

haakon flip

Sports; Snowboarding

This is a Half-pipe trick that has the rider approach the backside wall fakie and then rotating in the backside direction while at the same time going upside down. Gnarly, dud.


Sports; Snowboarding

This is the freeriding version of the Caballerial. It consists of a 180-degree rotation from fakie to forward done off of a straight jump.


Sports; Snowboarding

This is a U-shaped trench with walls of the same height and size on both sides. It is used for performing freestyle tricks and it looks like a drainpipe that has been cut in half ...

hand plant

Sports; Snowboarding

This is a half-pipe trick that has the snowboarder doing a handstand on one or both hands.

hard boots

Sports; Snowboarding

These are stiff boots that are similar to alpine skiing boots that are designed for carving and racing. They are made for precision and performance.


Sports; Snowboarding

This is hard, almost icy snow. This kind of snow lends it self to fast skiing / snowboarding conditions.

head wall

Sports; Snowboarding

This is the flat area on a hill where a road is cutting across a ski run.