Home > Blossary: Morocco Travel Picks
Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

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Created by: Marouane937

Number of Blossarys: 58

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A recognized UNESCO site, Djemaa el Fna is said to be the heart and soul of Marrakech. At the signal of sunset, this mysterious and mesmerizing place truly comes alive. Snake charmers fiddle flirtatiously with their cobras, fire swallowers eat fire, storytellers entertain big crowds, fortune tellers mesmerize tourists with tall tales and the rhythms of African and Arabic sounds hypnotize the crowds amongst the colorful clouds of cooking smoke decorating the air with mingled aromas of mint, cilantro, cumin, and turmeric. The square is transformed into a magical medieval styled circus. Give your taste buds an authentic Moroccan experience and head to the food stalls grilling meat on braziers, smoking fish, and selling exotic Moroccan foods. If you want a quick treat you can try Morocco's popular stewed snails. Grab a tooth pick and dig in. Feeling especially brave? Try some stuffed spleen or a sheep's head showing the eyes. Wash it down with Khendenjal, a spicy nut-based aphrodisiac. For some, the atmosphere of Djemaa el Fna can be a little overwhelming. If you think you want to see Djemaa at night but escape after an hour or two, make dinner reservations at Riad Enija (one of the old mansions of the Moroccan bourgeoisie). Inside you are met with the smell of rose petals, a decor of high ceilings, and arched walls and floors decorated with yellow mosaics called zeligs. Dine on the patio underneath the stars. There are other fun activities that do not run as late into the night as the Djemaa scene or are as elaborate as dining in the Riad. Examples include shopping the souks or visiting the art galleries, seeing a show at the Theater Royal, or exploring the Mellah, the old Jewish ghetto. With the exception of the Theater Royal, most of these are options until about 8pm. If this hour is too early to call it a night, find a restaurant serving tanji, a trademark Marrakech beef dish or enter Nouzhat Ennofous. There you can enjoy herbal infusions or get pampered in with an hour long aromatic whole body massage. If you have your mind set on partying, you can gamble at the Grand Casino of the upscale Hotel La Mamoin, or dance the night away at local discos in the district of Gueliz. (In Morocco, keep in mind that a disco is the word for a western club, and club the place to view cabarets). Many discos play westernized pop. Also, females should go in groups, preferably with males.

Domain: Tourism & hospitality; Category: Tourist attractions

Priznani UNESCA mesto, Djemaa el Fna je dejal, da je srce in duša Marrakech. Na signal sunset to skrivnostno in mesmerizing mesto resnično oživi. Kača charmers gosli flirtatiously z njihovo Kobre, ogenj swallowers jedo ogenj, pripovedovalci zgodb zabavo velike množice, vedeževalkami Hipnotizirati turisti s taki zgodbi in ritmov afriške in arabske zvoke Hipnotizirati množice med pisanimi oblaki kuhanje dima Dekoraterstvo zrak z prepleta aromo mete, koriander, kumina in kurkuma. Kvadrat je preoblikovala v čarobni srednjeveški styled cirkus. Dal vaš okus brsti verodostojno maroških izkušnje in glavo na hrano stojnicah na žaru mesa na braziers, kajenje ribe, in prodajo eksotičnih maroške hrane. Če želite hitro zdravljenje, lahko poskusite priljubljenih dušena polži Maroka. Zgrabi zob pick in dig. Občutek zlasti pogumen? Poskusite nekaj polnjene vranice ali ovce na glavo prikazuje oči. Ga sperete z Khendenjal, začinjene matico temelji afrodiziak. Za nekatere, je lahko malo prepričljivo vzdušje otroških postelj. Če menite, da želite videti Djemaa ponoči ampak pobeg po uro ali dve, da večerjo zadržkov v Riad Enija (eden od stare graščine maroške buržoazija). V notranjosti so izpolnjeni z vonjem vrtnice, dekor visoke strope, in obokan stene in tla, okrašena z rumeno mozaiki, ki se imenuje zeligs. Kosilo na terasi pod zvezdami. , So druge zabavne dejavnosti, ki ne traja pozno v noč kot Djemaa scene ali so tako dovršena kot dining v Riad. Primeri vključujejo nakupovanje souks ali obisku galerije, videti kažejo na Royal gledališče ali raziskovanje Mellah, stari židovska četrt. Razen gledališču Royal, večina od teh so možnosti do približno 8 pm. Če tej uri je prezgodaj, da pokličete to noč, našli restavracijo tanji, blagovna znamka Marrakech goveje jed ali vnesite Nouzhat Ennofous. Tam lahko uživate zeliščne poparke ali se pustite razvajati z masažo je uro dolgo aromatična celega telesa. Če vi življati vaš um nastavite na Proslavljanje, lahko igrate v igralnici Grand upscale Hotel La Mamoin, ali ples noč v lokalni diskoteke v okrožju Gueliz. (V Maroko, imejte v mislih, da disco je beseda za zahodni klub in klub kraj za ogled cabarets). Številne diskoteke play westernized pop. Tudi samice naj bi šel v skupinah, po možnosti s samci.

Domain: Tourism & hospitality; Category: Tourist attractions

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