Category: Entertainment
Company: CSOFT
Created by: roozaarkaa
Number of Blossarys: 16
Waverly Hills opened in 1926 and it was considered the most advanced tuberculosis sanatorium in America but it is estimated that hundreds died there at height of the epidemic. The cure wasn't know ...
The Leap Castle it's said to be the most haunted castle in Ireland and its history is punctuated with many bloody massacres. People believe that there are many paranormal substances living at this ...
San Zhi Resort is located on the outskirts of Taipei in northern part of Taiwan. It was originally constructed for wealthy urban families to be able to escape the city on weekends. Construction of ...
Overtoun Bridge is located in Milton, Scotland and is ingloriously famous for deadly leaps of dogs that are walked over the bridge. In the last 50 years about 50 dogs jumped to their deaths from the ...
Island of the Dolls is an island located south of Mexico City, between the canals of Xochimico. The island is very creepy place and home to hundreds if not thousands of terrifying dolls. Their ...
Hoia Baciu forest, sometimes also called "Transylvanian Bermuda Triangle", lies in the heart of Romania and is for sure one of the most famous and terrifying places in Romania. Many people who ...
There are a lot of stories about "Route 666" (sign of Antichrist) which runs north-south through the states of New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. One of them speaks of a young girl who appears along the ...