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Any living creature of the Kingdom Animalia constituting multi-celled organisms as well as single-celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and having the ability for spontaneous movement, such as protozoans.

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Animals > Horses


Animals; Horses

When a horse rises to stand on his hind legs, usually to throw off a rider or tack.


Animals; Horses

A device to guide a horse without a bit, in effect a bitless bridle. A bridle featuring a nosepiece, instead of a bit to control the horse.Americanization of jaquima, which is ...


Animals; Horses

Characteristic of a supple and collected horse, there are two types of flexion: 1. vertical or longitudinal, which is often mistakenly associated with "headset," when in reality ...


Animals; Horses

Silage made from hay or grass, often referred to as "grass silage".

blow up

Animals; Horses

When a horse suddenly loses its temper.

whiffletree (whippletree)

Animals; Horses

A device, usually wooden with metal rings or hooks, to which traces are attached; may also be double to hold two single whiffletrees.


Animals; Horses

Cinch strap on a Western saddle.
