Contributors in Computer
Computer > Productivity software
Software; Productivity software
To fetch the top (most recently added) element of a stack, removing that element from the stack in the process.
Software; Productivity software
The highest or uppermost level in a hierarchically organized set of information. The root is the point from which further subsets are branched in a logical sequence that moves ...
generic application
Software; Productivity software
A user-defined application that supports user definable settings only.
query pattern
Software; Productivity software
The set of standard query operators that is available in all LINQ queries, and the rules that define the structure of a LINQ query.
control gallery
Software; Productivity software
A library of controls that support user interface development. Some of these controls function as containers for other controls or content, such as images and media.
Software; Productivity software
The process of distributing and installing a software program throughout an entire organization.
Software; Productivity software
A member that represents a variable associated with an object or class.
- Big data (12)
- Computer hardware (3682)
- Computer science (2888)
- Connection cables (60)
- Desktop PC (5363)
- Input and output devices (89)
- Laptops (2619)
- PC peripherals (150)
- Productivity software (22503)
- Servers (251)
- Software engineering (52842)
- Storage (627)
- Tablet PC (3209)
- Unicode standard (14247)
- USB devices (172)
- Wearables (84)
- Wireless technology (1563)
- Workstations (5364)