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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Geology


Earth science; Geology

Refers to meteorites that are differentiated, i.e., they have igneous textures because they were once molten. All other meteorite types (achondrites, stony-irons and irons) are ...

divergent boundry

Earth science; Geology

A boundary between two crustal plates that are moving apart, with new oceanic type lithosphere being created in the seam. Also, accreting plate boundary.


Earth science; Geology

An uplift or anticlinal structure, circular or elliptical in outline, in which rocks dip gently away in all directions. Doming results in extension of the crust above, and leads ...

double chain

Earth science; Geology

A class or structural type of silicate characterized by the linkage of the SiO 4 tetrahedra into linear chains by the sharing of oxygens. In a double chain or band, e.g. ...


Earth science; Geology

A low, smoothly rounded, elongate hill of compact glacial till, or rarely other kinds of drift, built under the margin of the ice and shaped by its flow or carved out of an older ...


Earth science; Geology

A mound, ridge, or hill of wind-blown sand, either bare or covered with vegetation.

eistla regio

Earth science; Geology

A region on Venus that is centered at 12.3 degrees north latitude, 8.3 degrees east longitude, with an area 160 kilometers (96 miles) by 250 kilometers (150 miles). Its prominent ...