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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Language > Encyclopedias


Language; Encyclopedias

An island of Turkey, in the Aegean Sea, near the Macedonian coast; is mountainous and richly wooded; inhabited almost entirely by Greeks.


Language; Encyclopedias

An island off the E. coast of Africa, 148 m. NE. of Cape Guardafui, over 70 m. long and 20 m. broad; it is mountainous, surrounded by a margin of plain land from 2 to 4 m. broad; ...

St. Michael's Mount

Language; Encyclopedias

An islet, forming a precipitous granite mass, in Mount's Bay, Cornwall, connected with the mainland by a low causeway passable only at low tides; a fine old castle crowns its ...

Mount Tabor

Language; Encyclopedias

An isolated cone-shaped hill, 1000 ft. in height and clothed with olive-trees, on the NE. borders of Esdraelon, 7 m. E. of Nazareth. A tradition of the 2nd century identifies it ...

Mount St. Elias

Language; Encyclopedias

An isolated, inaccessible volcanic mountain in the extreme NW. of Canada, close to the frontier of Alaska, 18,010 ft. high; has never been scaled.


Language; Encyclopedias

An isthmus in Mexico, 140 m. across, between a gulf of the name and the Bay of Campeachy; it contains on the Pacific coast a town of the same name, with manufactures and pearl ...

Bernardo Tasso

Language; Encyclopedias

An Italian poet of some repute in his own day, but now chiefly remembered as the father of the greater Torquato, born in Venice (1493-1569).