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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Philosophy > General philosophy

al-'illat al-tammah

Philosophy; General philosophy

The sufficient cause of a thing, i.e. the cause which is adequate to produce an effect, e.g. a certain quantity of medicine to bring about the desired cure; more usually it ...

al-ajnas al-'ashr

Philosophy; General philosophy

The ten genera, the name given sometimes to the ten Aristotelian categories.

al-ajsad al-saba'ah

Philosophy; General philosophy

The seven bodies: an expression used by the philosophers to denote seven kinds of minerals or metals: gold (dhahab), silver (fiddah), lead (rasas), black lead (usrub), iron ...

al-akhlat al-arba'ah

Philosophy; General philosophy

The four humors, i.e. the four chief fluids of the body, viz. blood, phlegm, choler orbile and melancholy or black bile; the theory of four humors, quite common with Muslim ...

al-basa'it al-mjarradah

Philosophy; General philosophy

The abstract simples/' an expression used by Mulla Sadra to denote the intelligences and souls of the celestial spheres. Al-Basa'it al-Ustuqussiyah The elemental simples", i.e. ...

al-basait al-'aqli

Philosophy; General philosophy

Conceptually simple, i.e. of which it is impossible to think that it could be divided even mentally, for example a point in geometry.


Philosophy; General philosophy

A Medieval and ancient practice which combined occult mysticism and chemistry. Essentially, alchemists tried to discover a formula where they could blend certain metals into gold, ...