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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Philosophy > General philosophy

adhvaryu priest

Philosophy; General philosophy

One of the priests officiating at a sacrifice, his duty being to measure the ground, builds the altar; prepare the sacrificial vessels, etc. While he is engaged in these duties, ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

Relating to the soul (adhyatma); a term applied to natural and inseparable pain.


Philosophy; General philosophy

Greek term used by the classical Stoics to designate actions that are morally indifferent. On this view, we have no direct obligation either to perform or to avoid such actions, ...

Victor Adler

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1852-1918) Founder and leader of the Austrian social democracy and a member of the International Socialist Bureau. Social chauvinist during World War I.

administrative law

Philosophy; General philosophy

The body of regulations, rules, orders and decisions to carry out regulatory powers created by administrative agencies. In ordinary use, as contrasted with technical legal use, ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

A Hebrew word, meaning "Lord," which was used in reading the sacred scrolls as a substitute for the unutterable name of four letters, the J-H-V-H. This term was used by mediaeval ...

Theodor Adorno

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1903 -1969) German philosopher who also wrote on sociology, psychology, and musicology. Adorno obtained a degree in philosophy from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt ...