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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Philosophy > General philosophy

analogical reasoning

Philosophy; General philosophy

Reasoning that attempts to justify the conclusion that situation X has quality Y, by appeal to a sufficiently similar (analogous) situation X', which is said to have Y or some ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The central method of analytical philosophy, shaped by the development of modern logic and found in the work of Frege, Russell, Moore and Wittgenstein, according to which ...

analysis and synthesis

Philosophy; General philosophy

Analysis and Synthesis are philosophical terms denoting the processes of mentally breaking down of a whole into its constituent parts (analysis), and reconstituting a whole from ...

analytic and synthetic

Philosophy; General philosophy

Distinction between judgments or propositions. A judgment is analytic if the concept of its predicate is already contained in that of its subject; if the concepts of its subject ...

analytic statement

Philosophy; General philosophy

A statement is analytic if its truth or falsity depends only on the meanings of the words from which it is composed. For example, "all bachelors are unmarried men" is an analytic ...

analytical mind

Philosophy; General philosophy

That part of the mind which one consciously uses and is aware of. It is the portion of the mind which thinks, observes data, remembers it and resolves problems.

analytic-synthetic distinction

Philosophy; General philosophy

According to Kant's formulation of the distinction, in an analytic proposition the concept of the predicate is contained in the concept of the subject, and we can tell that the ...