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The science that deals with the mental and behaviourial characteristics of an individual, community or society.

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Psychology > General psychology

Analogical paradox

Psychology; General psychology

Participants in psychological experiments tend to focus on surface features in analogy problems, whereas people in the real world frequently use deeper, more structural features.

Expected utility theory

Psychology; General psychology

Based on the assumption that people are basically rational, so if they have all of the relevant information, they will make a decision that results in the maximum expected utility ...

Law of large numbers

Psychology; General psychology

The larger the sample size, the more representative a sample will be of the population from which it was chosen Eg: larger hospital: 45 babies are born each day; smaller ...

Gambler’s fallacy

Psychology; General psychology

Mistaken belief that the probability of a random event in the short run will match its probability in the long run.

Confirmation bias

Psychology; General psychology

Tendency to selectively look for information that might confirm your belief and overlook information that disconfirms it Wason (1960) study • Subjects shown a set of three ...


Psychology; General psychology

Innovation, creating novel ideas, making new connections between existing ideas. Associated with divergent rather than convergent thinking.

Incubation effect

Psychology; General psychology

Improved problem-solving performance after a delay during which the problem is temporarily set aside.