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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Snowboarding

toeside turn

Sports; Snowboarding

When a snowboarder makes a turn on their toeside edge.

transition (tranny)

Sports; Snowboarding

That area that is the radial curved section of a half-pipe wall that is between the flat bottom and the vertical wall.


Sports; Snowboarding

Riding perpendicular to the fall line. That is crossing the hill by edging sideways with the body facing in the direction the snowboarder wants to go.

tuck knee

Sports; Snowboarding

When one knee is bent and the ankle is bent sideways allowing the knee to touch the snowboard between the bindings.


Sports; Snowboarding

To pull a snowboard forward or backward while in the air.


Sports; Snowboarding

Used to explain style that is in a trick or style that has been added to a trick. It can also mean that a person has an injury, or it can be used to describe someone who is not ...


Sports; Snowboarding

This is a flip that is done off the wall of a half-pipe.