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Coastal engineering
A branch of civil engineering that applies engineering principles specifically to projects within the coastal zone including areas nearshore, estuary, marine, and shoreline.
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Coastal engineering
equatorial tides
Engineering; Coastal engineering
Tides occurring semimonthly as the result of the moon being over the equator. At these times the tendency of the moon to produce a diurnal inequality in the tide is at a minimum.
Engineering; Coastal engineering
The zone between the mean high water line and the mean low water line, commonly referred to as the beach. Waters above the tidelands are inland, being landward of the coast line.
Engineering; Coastal engineering
Erosion of material at the foot of a cliff or bank, e.g., a sea cliff, or river bank on the outside of a meander. Ultimately, the overhang collapses, and the process is repeated.
beach width
Engineering; Coastal engineering
The horizontal dimension of the beach measured normal to the shoreline and landward of the higher-high tide line (on oceanic coasts) or from the still water level (on lake coasts)
Engineering; Coastal engineering
Vertically-faced or steeply inclined structure usually built with timber and parallel to the shoreline, at or near the beach crest, to resist erosion or mitigate against flooding.
Engineering; Coastal engineering
The study of the sea, embracing and indicating all knowledge pertaining to the sea's physical boundaries, the chemistry and physics of seawater, marine biology, and marine geology.
Engineering; Coastal engineering
An arrangement of relatively thin layers of rock inclined at an angle to the more nearly horizontal bedding planes of the larger rock unit. Also referred to as cross-stratification.