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Mineral mining

The extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth for economic interests.

Contributors in Mineral mining

Mineral mining


Mining; General mining

A prefix that, when used with the name of a sedimentary or igneous rock, indicates that the rock has been metamorphosed, e.g., metabasalt. Compare: cata-; meso-.


Mining; General mining

A prefix to indicate that the rock belongs to the deepest zone of metamorphism, which is characterized by very high temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and relatively low shearing stress. Compare: ...


Mining; General mining

A prefix to the name of a mineral species or group to indicate monoclinic symmetry as opposed to "ortho" indicating orthorhombic symmetry. See the root mineral name.


Mining; General mining

A preliminary printed statement describing a business or other enterprise, and distributed to prospective buyers, investors, or participants, giving detailed information concerning the company's ...

ring-roll press

Mining; General mining

A press consisting of rolls of unequal diameter, revolving one within the other and in the same direction.

gunpowder press

Mining; General mining

A press for compacting meal powder before granulating into gunpowder.

double-action press

Mining; General mining

A press handling two operations each revolution. It carries two rams, one inside the other, so actuated that one motion immediately follows the other.

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