Home > Blossary: Basic Economy
It serves those who have just studied economy because it includes basic terms that they need to know and understand the economy world. It is really useful.


Company: Others

30 Terms

Created by: Fatima

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

The consultancy firm run by prominent economist and former Telstra advisor Henry Ergas.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The consultancy firm run by prominent economist and former Telstra advisor Henry Ergas.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

A generic term in finance and economics for the entity which controls the money supply of a given currency, and has the right to set interest rates, and other parameters which control the cost and availability of money.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

A generic term in finance and economics for the entity which controls the money supply of a given currency, and has the right to set interest rates, and other parameters which control the cost and availability of money.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The total amount of money available in an economy at a particular point in time.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Para için zaman içinde belirli bir noktada bir ekonomide toplam miktarı.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The movement of cash into or out of a business, project, or financial product.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Nakit hareketi içine veya dışına bir iş, proje veya finansal ürün.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Autonomous or semi-autonomous organization entrusted by a government to, administer certain key monetary functions.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Autonomous or semi-autonomous organization entrusted by a government to, administer certain key monetary functions.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

A monetary arrangement that pegs the monetary base of one country to another, the anchor nation.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Bir ülkeden diğerine çapa millet parasal taban dizebilir parasal bir aranjman.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The total amount of a currency that is either circulated in the hands of the public or in the commercial bank deposits held in the central bank's reserves.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The total amount of a currency that is either circulated in the hands of the public or in the commercial bank deposits held in the central bank's reserves.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a lender.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Hızı, onlar bir borç veren ödünç para kullanımı için bir borçlu tarafından faiz ödenir.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

It contains monetary base, interest rates, reserve requirments, and discount window lending.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Para tabanı, faiz oranları, rezerv ihtiyaçlara ve pencere indirimli kredi içerir.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

It maintains the value of the coinage, print notes which would trade at par to specie, and prevent coins from leaving circulation.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Başabaş nakit için ticaret, ve sikke dolaşım ayrılmasını önlemek notları yazdırma sikkeleri değerini tutar.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The use of government taxing and spending powers to affect the behaviour of the economy.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The use of government taxing and spending powers to affect the behaviour of the economy.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Systematic approach to determining the optimum use of scarce resources, involving comparison of two or more alternatives in achieving a specific objective under the given assumptions and constraints.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Karşılaştırma iki veya daha fazla belirli varsayımlar ve kısıtlamalar altında belirli bir amaca ulaşmada alternatifler içeren, kıt kaynakların optimum kullanımı belirlemek için sistematik bir yaklaşım.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

It occurs naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind, in a natural form.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Doğal nispeten bozulmamış doğal bir biçimde insanlık tarafından bulunan ortamlarda oluşur.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

One of the fundamental economic theories in the operation of any economy.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Bir işlemde herhangi bir ekonominin temel ekonomik kuramcı.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The consumption and savings opportunity gained by an entity within a specified time frame, which is generally expressed in monetary terms.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Tüketim ve tasarruf fırsatı genellikle parasal terimlerle ifade belirli bir zaman dilimi içinde bir varlık tarafından kazandı.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The assets which an economy may have available to supply and produce goods and services to meet the ever-changing needs and wants of individuals and society.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Bir ekonominin olabilir kıymetleri girin ve mal ve hizmetlerin değişen ihtiyaçları ve bireylerin ve toplumun istediği üretmek için kullanılabilir.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The act of supplying a desired output.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

İstenen çıkış sağlama işlemi.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Уобичајени концепт у економији, и доводи до извођења концепата као што је потрошачки дуг.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Ekonomi ve türetilmiş kavramlar gibi tüketici borç verir yükselmeye ortak bir kavram.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

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