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Created by: melisa

Number of Blossarys: 2

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A tower built on the island of Pharos that became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This ancient wonder is also identified as "Lighthouse of Alexandria." Built around 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, the lighthouse is 115 to 135 metres tall (approx. 380 - 440 ft). It was among the tallest structures of that time and was used to help direct sailors into the harbour at night.

Domain: History; Category: 

A tower built on the island of Pharos that became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This ancient wonder is also identified as "Lighthouse of Alexandria." Built around 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, the lighthouse is 115 to 135 meters tall (approx. 380 - 440 ft). It was among the tallest structures of that time and was used to help direct sailors into the harbor at night.

Domain: History; Category: 

Kurgan stelae are anthropomorphic stone stelae, images cut from stone, installed atop, within or around kurgans (i.e. tumuli), in kurgan cemeteries, or in a double line extending from a kurgan.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Kurgan stellerin antropomorfik taş steller, görüntüleri kesme taştan, kurgan mezarlıklar veya bir çift çizgi kurgan uzanan üstüne, içinde veya çevresinde Kurganı (i.e. tümülüsler) yüklü.

Domain: History; Category: World history

It is an artificial tree decorated with flowers, fruits, models of ship, ribbons and animal or even human figures, all fashioned from beeswax or coloured paper used during circumcision and wedding ceremonies during Ottoman period.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Bir yapay ağaç çiçek, meyve, gemi, kurdeleler ve hayvan veya insan figürleri, modelleri ile dekore edilmiş olan balmumu veya renkli kağıt sünnet ve düğün törenleri sırasında Osmanlı döneminde kullanılan tüm moda.

Domain: History; Category: World history

It was an accord signed between Safavid Persia and the Ottoman Empire on May 17, 1639.The treaty divided territories in the Middle East by granting Yerevan in the southern Caucasus to Iran and all of Mesopotamia (including Baghdad) to the Ottomans.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Öyle bir anlaşma İran Safevi ve Osmanlı 1639.The Antlaşması 17 Mayıs arasında imzalanan Ortadoğuda bölünmüş bölgeler Yerevan Güney Kafkasya'da Iran ve Mezopotamya Osmanlılar için (Bağdat dahil) tüm vererek.

Domain: History; Category: World history

It was signed on January 26, 1699 in Sremski Karlovci, a town in modern-day Serbia, concluding the Austro-Ottoman War of 1683-1697 in which the Ottoman side had finally been defeated at the Battle of Senta.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Tarih 26 Ocak 1699 Sremski Karlovci, günümüz Sırbistan'ın Avusturya-Osmanlı savaş 1683-1697 içinde Osmanlı yan nihayet savaş Senta mağlup olmuştu, sonuç olarak imzalandı.

Domain: History; Category: World history

It took place in the eastern Anatolia, near lake Van in 1514, ended by the Ottoman's victory over the Safavid Empire of Persia. As a result, the Ottomans gained immediate control over eastern Anatolia and northern Iraq.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Doğu Anadolu'da Osmanlı'nın zaferi, İran Safevi İmparatorluğu sona erdi 1514 yılında Van Gölü yakınında gerçekleşti. Sonuç olarak, Doğu Anadolu ve Kuzey Irak'ta acil kontrol Osmanlılar kazandı.

Domain: History; Category: World history

It began in 1402, when chaos reigned in the Ottoman Empire following the defeat of Sultan Bayezid I by the Turco-Mongol warlord Timur (Tamerlane). Although Mehmed Çelebi was confirmed as sultan by Tamerlane, his brothers refused to recognise his authority. Civil war was the result. The Interregnum lasted until 1413, when Mehmed Çelebi emerged as victor in the strife, crowned himself sultan as Mehmed I, and restored the empire.

Domain: History; Category: World history

O zaman kaos hüküm süren Sultan Bayezid yenilgisi sonrasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na ben Turco-Moğol kumandanı Timur (Tamerlane) tarafından 1402 yılında başladı. Mehmed Çelebi sultan Tamerlane tarafından doğrulandı, ancak kardeşleri onun yetkisini tanıması reddetti. İç savaş sonucu oldu. Fetret otelde Mehmed Çelebi ortaya Victor kendini sultan Mehmed olarak taç çekişme içinde ben, 1413'e kadar süren ve İmparatorluğu'nun restore.

Domain: History; Category: World history

It was a secret circle of liberal-minded students in the imperial military medical school in Istanbul who aspired to overthrow the autocratic regime of Sultan Abdülhamit II.It was transformed into a political organisation by Bahaeddin Sakir aligning itself with the Young Turks in 1906, during the period of the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. At the end of World War I most of its members were court-martialled by the sultan Mehmed VI known as Vahidettin.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Sultan Abdülhamid II otokratik rejimini devirmek için talip liberal görüşlü öğrencilerin Istanbul Kraliyet askeri tıp fakültesinde yapılan gizli bir daire idi.Kendisi Osmanlı Devleti dağılma dönemi sırasında 1906'da, Jön Türkler ile hizalama Bahaeddin Şakir tarafından politik bir örgüt haline dönüştü. I. Dünya Savaşı sonunda üyelerinin birçoğunu sultan Vahidettin bilinen Mehmed VI tarafından askerî mahkemeye verirdik.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Also known as Kemalism is the principle that defines the basic characteristics of the Republic of Turkey. These principals are republicanism, populism, secularism, reformism, nationalism and statism. It is also the banner of Republican People's party (CHP) which was established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Olarak da bilinen Kemalizm'i Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin temel özelliklerini tanımlayan ilkesidir. Bu ilkeleri Cumhuriyetçilik, halkçılık, laiklik, reformizm, milliyetçilik ve diğer vardır. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün 1923'te kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) bayrağı da sağlar.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Alparslan Türkeş, who is the founder of the far right Nationalist Movement Party, released a political pamphlet titled The Nine Lights Doctrine in 1965 listing nine basic principles that formed the core of the main nationalist ideology in Turkey: nationalism, idealism, moralism, societalism, scientism, independentism, ruralism, progressivism, populism, industrialism, and technologism.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Alparslan Türkeş sağ milliyetçi hareket Partisi kurucusu olan yayımlanan 9 ışık doktrini Türkiye'deki ana milliyetçi ideoloji temelinde kurulan 1965 liste dokuz temel ilkeleri başlıklı, siyasi bir broşür: milliyetçilik, idealizm, ahlakçılığı, societalism, bilimcilik, independentism, ruralism, progressivism, halkçılık, industrialism ve technologism.

Domain: History; Category: World history

The Young Turks were a coalition of various groups favouring reformation of the administration of the Ottoman Empire. The movement was against the monarchy of Ottoman Sultan and favoured a re-installation of the short-lived first constitution. They established the second constitutional era in 1908 with what would become known as the Young Turk Revolution.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Jön Türkler koalisyon çeşitli grupların reformasyon Osmanlı idaresi lehine idi. Hareketi Osmanlı Sultanı monarşi karşı yapıldı ve kısa ömürlü ilk Anayasanın yeniden yükleme sevdigi. Onlar ne genç Türk Devrimi bilinen haline ile 1908 yılında İkinci Meşrutiyet kurdu.

Domain: History; Category: World history

In the Middle Ages, the common term among Christians in Europe for a Mohammedan hostile to the crusaders.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Orta çağlarda, Avrupa'daki Hristiyanlar arasında ortak terim için Haçlılar için Müslüman bir düşman.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Witenagemot(meeting of wise men) was a political institution in Anglo-Saxon England which operated before the 7th century until the 11th century.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Witengemot (akil adamlar toplantısı)7. yüzyıl öncesinden 11. yüzyıla kadar Anglo-Sakson İngiltere'sinde faaliyet gösteren siyasi bir danışma kuruluydu.

Domain: History; Category: World history

An ancient city in Southeastern Turkey founded by the Umayyads in the 8th century meaning 'castle of Mansur' in Arabic. Name remained as it is until the republican era of Turkey and renamed as Adıyaman after 1926.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Bir antik kent 8.asır anlamı 'kale Mansur' Arapça'da Endülüs tarafından kurulan Güneydoğu Türkiye'de. Adı Türkiye Cumhuriyet dönemi kadar olduğu gibi kalmış ve sonra 1926 Adıyaman yeniden adlandırıldı.

Domain: History; Category: World history

An ancient Roman city located in the Southeastern part of what is now modern Turkey. It is the ancient name of Diyarbakır.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Ne Güneydoğu kısmında bulunan antik bir Roma kenti çağdaş Türkiye'nin artık. Diyarbakır eski adıdır.

Domain: History; Category: World history

A three-year religio-political rebellion of the Turkmen of Anatolia against the Seljuq Sultanate of Rum. It was led by a charismatic preacher Baba Ishak in 1239 until he was hanged in 1241. It was the biggest Turkmen rebellion in Anatolian history.

Domain: History; Category: World history

A three-year religio-political rebellion of the Turkmen of Anatolia against the Seljuq Sultanate of Rum. It was led by a charismatic preacher Baba Ishak in 1239 until he was hanged in 1241. It was the biggest Turkmen rebellion in Anatolian history.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Member of a nomadic people originally of Iranian stock who migrated from Central Asia to Southern Russia in the 8th and 7th centuries BC.

Domain: History; Category: World history

8 Ve 7 yüzyıllarda BC Güney Rusya'ya Orta Asya'dan göç eden bir göçebe insanlar aslen İranlı stokunun üyesi.

Domain: History; Category: World history

He ruled from 559 BC until his death in 530 BC. He was the founder of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty.

Domain: History; Category: World history

559 M.Ö. 530 M.Ö. yılında karar verdi. Ahameniş Hanedanı altında Pers imparatorluğunun kurucusu oldu.

Domain: History; Category: World history

The Taochi were the people known formerly to the Urartians as Diauehi (Diauhi, Daiaeni) and they lived in Northeastern part of Anatolia in ancient times. According to Xenophon they called themselves Armenians.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Taochi eski Urartular için Diauehi (Diauhi, Daiaeni) bilinen insanlar vardı ve antik çağda Anadolu kuzeydoğu kesiminde yaşadılar. Xenophon göre Ermeniler kendilerini derlerdi.

Domain: History; Category: World history

A portcullis is a latticed grille or gate made of wood, metal or a combination of the two.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Bir parmaklık Kafesli bir ızgara ya da ahşap, metal veya ikisinin bir birleşimi geçit yaptı.

Domain: History; Category: World history

The Campus Martius (Latin for the "Field of Mars"), was a publicly owned area of ancient Rome about 2 square kilometres in extent. In the Middle Ages it was the most populous area of Rome.

Domain: History; Category: World history

The Campus Martius (Latin for the "Field of Mars"), was a publicly owned area of ancient Rome about 2 square kilometres in extent. In the Middle Ages it was the most populous area of Rome.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Historical part of clothing, the tail of a hood or cloak, or a long-tailed hood.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Giyim, kukuleta, gizli ya da uzun kuyruklu hood kuyruğu için tarihsel bir parçası.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Venerable Bede was a monk at the Northumbrian monastery of Saint Peter at Monkwearmouth. He is well known as an author and scholar, and his most famous work, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (The Ecclesiastical History of the English People) gained him the title "The Father of English History"

Domain: History; Category: World history

Venerable Bede was a monk at the Northumbrian monastery of Saint Peter at Monkwearmouth. He is well known as an author and scholar, and his most famous work, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (The Ecclesiastical History of the English People) gained him the title "The Father of English History"

Domain: History; Category: World history

In the Middle Ages, the common term among Christians in Europe for a Mohammedan hostile to the crusaders

Domain: History; Category: World history

Ortaçağda Avrupa'daki Hristiyanlar arasında ortak terim Haçlılar için Müslüman bir düşman için

Domain: History; Category: World history

In the Crusades, turcopoles, turcoples, turcopoli or turcopoliers means "sons of the Turks" in Greek were hired in place of horse archers in the Christian countries of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Domain: History; Category: World history

In the Crusades, turcopoles, turcoples, turcopoli or turcopoliers meaning "sons of Turks" in Greek were locally recruited mounted archers employed by the Christian states of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Domain: History; Category: World history

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