Category: Science
Created by: dnatalia
Number of Blossarys: 60
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Omphalophobia is the fear of bullybuttons. Sufferers are afraid to have their bellybuttons touched, or to touch another person's belly button. The fear is often linked with the belly button's association to the umbilical cord and a mother's womb. Omphalophobes can be repulsed just by seeing or thinking about a belly button.
Omphalophobia je strah pred bullybuttons. Strah imeti svoje mako1_mako, dotaknil ali na dotik druge osebe trpijo ' s popek. Strah je pogosto povezana z popek ' združenje s popkovino in materi ' s maternici. Omphalophobes lahko pregnali samo z videnje ali misleč približno a popek.
By: dnatalia