Home > Blossary: adposition
a concept that covers preposition and postposition


2 Terms

Created by: nunk0410

Number of Blossarys: 7

My Terms
Collected Terms

Γλώσσα ή γλώσσα μορφές που επηρεάζουν πιο δεσπόζουσα γλώσσες.

Domain: Language; Category: Terminology

Limba sau forme de limbaj care influența dominantă mai multe limbi.

Domain: Language; Category: Terminology

Kehilangan οι περισσότερες από ή σε kemampuan για λαμβάνοντας Μπαχάσα lisan επειδή penyakit, cacat ή cedera otak.

Domain: Language; Category: Terminology

Partial or overall loss of the skills to use language caused by diseases, brain injuries or defect.

Domain: Language; Category: Terminology

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