Created by: annabeare
Number of Blossarys: 1
To fall back a year of one's degree course. This can either be due to failure of the end of year exams, or because of absence caused by illness. Sometimes students who wish to switch subject during ...
A college officer (usually a Fellow or Professor) that is responsible for a student's academic studies.They must track a student's progress and keep in check their results, and are also resonsible ...
The third of three terms in the academic year. During this term undergraduate students spend most of their time studying towards the end of year exams.
A colloquial term used to refer to the college dining hall as well as to the act of eating a meal in the hall.
An exclusive university club whose membership is restricted to male sportsmen who have recieved a Cambridge blue.
A form of rowing race held on the River Cam where boats row individually in order to achieve the fastest time over a fixed distance.
A table in college dining halls which is reserved for college Fellows and their guests.