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63 Terms

Created by: zoe.brasier

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

corpo metálico que resulta da união atômica de vários metais, com propriedades diferentes de seus constituintes

Domain: Mechanical equipment; Category: General technical terms

estrutura de um objeto ou material obtida por microscopia de magnificação acima de 25x

Domain: Mechanical equipment; Category: General technical terms

the structure of a prepared surface or thin foil of material as revealed by a microscope above 25× magnification

Domain: Mechanical equipment; Category: General technical terms

a partial or complete solid solution of one or more elements in a metallic matrix

Domain: Mechanical equipment; Category: General technical terms

Solución parcial o completamente sólida de uno o más elementos en una matriz metálica.

Domain: Mechanical equipment; Category: General technical terms

Struktura čija je površina prekrivena tankim slojem materijala koji može da se vidi pod mikroskopom uz uvećanje od 25 puta.

Domain: Mechanical equipment; Category: General technical terms

parziale o completa soluzione solida di uno o più elementi in una matrice metallica

Domain: Mechanical equipment; Category: General technical terms

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