Created by: jiantingying
Number of Blossarys: 2
- English (EN)
- Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Spanish, Latin American (XL)
- Romanian (RO)
- Hungarian (HU)
- French, Canadian (CF)
Any person, company, or other institution that owns at least one share in a company.
The final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented.
An obligation or liability to pay or render something, for example money, to someone else.
是指法律关系主体依法承担的某种必须履行的责任。是设定或隐含在法律规范中、实现于法律关系中的,主体以相对抑制的作为或不作为的方式保障权利主体获得利益的一种约束手段.是指法律关系的主体依据法律规范必须为一定行为或不为一定行为,以保证权得人的权利得以实现,当负有义务的主体不履行或不适当履行自己的义务时,要受到国家强制力的制裁,承担相应的责任。 ...
A legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action, especially if the agreement also specifies a penalty for failure to comply.