Home > Blossary: Italian Nikon terms glossary


1031 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

My Terms
Collected Terms

HD is an abbreviation of “High Definition. ” “HD movie” generally refers to movies with a resolution of at least 1,280 × 720 pixels. HD movies are categorized by their vertical (V) pixel count and ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

HD è l'abbreviazione di "Alta definizione". "Film HD" si riferisce generalmente a filmati con una risoluzione di almeno 1.280 × 720 pixel. Filmati HD sono classificati per il loro numero di pixel ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

If a flash or other light source with brief duration is used during live view or movie recording, the top and bottom of the frame may brighten or a bright, overexposed band may appear near the middle ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Se un flash o altre fonti di luce con breve durata sono utilizzato durante il live view o registrazione di filmati, può illuminare la parte superiore e inferiore del telaio o una fascia luminosa, ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Some light sources, including mercury-vapor and fluorescent lamps, cycle on and off (flicker) at the same frequency as the AC current that powers them (generally 50 or 60 Hz). This flicker may ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Alcune fonti di luce, compresi i vapori di mercurio e lampade fluorescenti, ciclo di accensione e spegnimento (sfarfallio) alla stessa frequenza come la corrente alternata che alimenta le loro ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Some light sources, including mercury-vapor and fluorescent lamps, cycle on and off (flicker) at the same frequency as the AC current that powers them (generally 50 or 60 Hz). This flicker may ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

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