Created by: Mathew.Childs
Number of Blossarys: 1
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Sink with no metal ring that has a built-in lip of the same material which supports it in the vanity top.
House drain that carries wastewater away from the house to a sewer system or septic tank.
Fitting that joins the assorted pipes in a drain, waste and vent system; designed to allow solid material to pass through without clogging.
A valve mounted on a pipe run by a clamping device, or fitting that taps into the side of a pipe, used to make quick connection to an existing line to provide a water supply for a low-demand device.
A complete or secondary section of pipe that extends from supply to fixture or drain to stack.
The distance from a finished wall or floor to the center of the waste or supply opening or mounting holes on a plumbing fixture.
Installation of the drain, waste, vent, and supply lines in a structure to the proposed location of each fixture.