Category: Business
Created by: zzcgood
Number of Blossarys: 7
A treaty or other arrangement between states or nations that removes tariffs, embargos, customs duties, and other barriers to commerce. Free trade agreements are often used to increase the amount of ...
An investment strategy focused solely on purchasing equity securities. This strategy can be applied to an individual portfolio or a pooled fund, such as a mutual fund. High exposure to any single ...
A computerized system established by the NASD to facilitate trading by providing broker/dealers with current bid and ask price quotes on over-the-counter stocks and some listed stocks. Unlike the ...
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) manages and enforces securities law in the province of Ontario, Canada. The Commission's mandate is set by statute "To provide protection to investors from ...
1. OTC. A security which is not traded on an exchange, usually due to an inability to meet listing requirements. For such securities, broker/dealers negotiate directly with one another over computer ...
A process used to assess the suitability of a portfolio of securities or businesses relative to its expected investment return and its correlation to the risk tolerance of an investor seeking the ...
An institutional investor that has met necessary requirements to invest in securities abroad. One of the most popular QDII program is from the People Republic of China where regulatory agencies, such ...
By: zzcgood