Industry: Archaeology
Number of terms: 25214
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A technique developed by M. Thomas, R. White, and R. Davis in which molecules of double-stranded DNA are incubated at temperatures below their denaturing temperature to open up short stretches of the DNA double helix so that single-stranded RNA molecules can begin to form DNA/RNA hybrids where the two are complementary. The DNA/RNA hybrid forms an R loop by displacing a single-stranded section of DNA.
A technique for flake production in which a stone core is shaped like a tortoise shell and a single flake with preformed shape is struck from it.
A technique invented by E.M. Southern and used in analyzing genes and gene transcripts, in which DNA fragments are transferred from a gel to a nitrocellulose filter.
A technique used in identifying minerals present in artifact raw materials; it can also be used in goemorphological contexts to identify particular clay minerals in sediments, and thus the specific source from which the sediment was derived.
A technique used in the analysis of artifact composition, particularly iron compounds in pottery. It involves the measurement of the gamma radiation absorbed by the iron nuclei, which provides information on the particular iron compounds in the sample, and hence on the conditions of the firing when the pottery was being made.
A term coined by V.G. Childe in 1941 to describe the origin and consequences of farming (i.e. the development of stock raising and agriculture), allowing the widespread development of settled village life.
A theory developed by J.T. Robinson to explain the South African australopithecine variations. The hypothesis relates the differences in the gracile and robust South African australopithecines to ecological differences that were reflected in dietary adaptations. The gracile australopithecines are regarded as omnivores and the robust australopithecines as vegetarians.
Restringimento della (pareti frontale e sfenoidale del) cranio dietro le orbite, dove formano la parete interna della fossa temporale.
Vedere le interferenze del chiasma.
L'apertura è formato da ossa occipitale e temporale tacche il petrous temporale.