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Although the Torah does not prohibit pre-marital sex, Jewish tradition strongly condemns the irresponsibility of sex outside of the context of marriage. See Kosher Sex.
Usu. Translated Grand Rabbi. The leader of a Chasidic community, often believed to have special, mystical power. When Lubavitcher Chasidim speak of "The Rebbe," they are referring to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
The Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross. "Magen David" is the Hebrew name of the six-pointed Jewish star.
An animal used as an offering in an unusual and mysterious ritual to purify from the defilement of contact with the dead.
One of the major movements of Judaism, an outgrowth of Conservative that does not believe in a personified deity and believes that Jewish law was created by men.
A descendant of Aaron, charged with performing various rites in the Temple. This is not the same thing as a rabbi. See Kohein.
Lit. Redemption of the son. A ritual redeeming the firstborn son from his obligation to serve in the Temple.
1) A spokesman for G-d, chosen to convey a message or teaching. Prophets were role models of holiness, scholarship and closeness to G-d; 2) A section of Jewish scripture containing the writings of the Prophets.
Historically, Ashkenazic Jews have had a somewhat different pronunciation of certain Hebrew letters than Sephardic Jews; however, the Sephardic pronunciation is becoming predominant because it is the one used in Israel. See Hebrew Alphabet.
The land of Israel, which G-d promised to Abraham and his descendants.