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Lit. Circuits. Processions around the synagogue carrying the lulav and etrog for the holiday of Sukkot, or carrying the Torah around the synagogue for the holiday of Simchat Torah. See Sukkot - Arba Minim: The Four Species; Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.
Judaism has over a dozen holidays, ranging from deeply solemn fast days like Yom Kippur to all-out parties like Purim. See Jewish Holidays and pages following it.
Lit. The path that one walks. Jewish law. The complete body of rules and practices that Jews are bound to follow, including biblical commandments, commandments instituted by the rabbis, and binding customs. See also Torah; A List of the 613 Mitzvot.
Lit. Praise G-d. Psalms 113-118, in praise of G-d, which are recited on certain holidays. See Jewish Liturgy.
Cabbage leaves stuffed with meatballs served in a tomato-based sweet and sour sauce.
Lit. Great hosanna. The seventh day of Sukkot, on which seven circuits are made around the synagogue reciting a prayer with the refrain, "Hosha na!" (please save us!).
The villain of the story of Purim.
Homosexual orientation is not a sin in Judaism, but homosexual acts are. Male-male sex is forbidden by the Torah. Lesbian sex is not prohibited by the Torah, but is generally considered prohibited as "licentiousness. "
Humanity is in the image of G-d, in that we have the ability to think, reason and understand. Humanity was created with a dual nature: an impulse to do what is right an a selfish (evil) impulse. Free will is the ability to choose which impulse to follow.
An early writer of Yiddish fiction. See Yiddish Literature.