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Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days, but specific beliefs in this area are open to personal interpretation.
The denominations, branches or sects of Judaism, although the distinctions between Jewish movements are not as great as those between Christian denominations.
Judaism has extensive mourning practices broken into several periods of decreasing intensity.
Anglicization of the Hebrew, "mashiach" (anointed). A man who will be chosen by G-d to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. It is better to use the Hebrew term "mashiach" when speaking of the Jewish messiah, because the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.
Jewish law strictly prohibits male masturbation. Female masturbation is a matter of less clarity, but it is also frowned upon.Recent researches however reveal that both men and women resort to masturbation not only as a way to derive sexual pleasure but also as a defensive behavior.The following are the important causes identified to explain unusual masturbation: no opportunity to engage in normal coitus,easy mechanism of sexual satisfaction especially for unmarried,flooding the mind with sexual fantasies,reading or watching sexually exciting materials,prolonged loneliness,unresolved emotional conflicts,inability to cope with stress of abnormal or normal nature,voluntary or involuntary manipulation of genitals,constant exposure to nude or provocative pictures of opposite sex,exposure to the stimulating and erotic body zones of the opposite sex,physical separation of lovers, sleeplessness at night, feeling of rejection and and depression,lack of openness in relationships,the thinking and the feeling that masturbation is normal and it is practiced by everyone and everywhere,Frequent talk about the opposite sex,Fear of sexuality accompanied wrong sex education and uncontrollable stimulation.
Marriage is vitally important in Judaism, and refraining from marriage is considered unnatural. Marriage is not solely for the purpose of procreation, but is primarily for the purpose of love and companionship. See also Interfaith Marriages; Kosher Sex; Divorce.
In Judaism, life is valued above almost all else, and almost any commandment can be violated to save a life.
Contrary to popular belief, Judaism does believe in an afterlife, but it is not the primary focus of our religion and there is a lot of room for personal opinion about the nature of the afterlife.
Judaism is the religion of the Children of Israel, that is, the Jewish people. Most of the pages on this site deal with the Jewish religion to one extent or another. See especially What is Judaism?; What Do Jews Believe?
The Jews are not a race. See What is Judaism?; Are Jews a Race?