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Under Jewish law, the dead must be buried in the earth, not cremated, and must be buried in a simple coffin, simply dressed. See Care for the Dead.
A prayer beginning with the phrase "barukh atah. . . " (blessed art Thou. . . ). See Prayers and Blessings; Common Prayers and Blessings.
Jewish law permits certain methods of birth control in appropriate circumstances.
Judaism has no dogma, no formal set of beliefs that one must hold to be a Jew. In Judaism, actions are far more important than beliefs, although there is certainly a place for belief within Judaism. See What Do Jews Believe?; The Nature of G-d; Human Nature; Kabbalah; Olam Ha-Ba: The Afterlife.
The term "antisemitism" comes from the roots "anti" (against) and "Semite" (a term that applies to both Hebrews and Arabs). However, the word "antisemitism" is used specifically to refer to hatred of Jews and Judaism. Although the Holocaust is the best-known example of antisemitism, it is only the latest in a long and tragic history of expulsions, forced conversions, limitations of civil and political rights, lies and slanders such as the infamous Blood Libel and mass murders like the Russian pogroms and the mob violence incidental to the Crusades. An entire website could be devoted to the subject. I have made a conscious decision not to cover these subjects on this site, because this site is about Jews and Judaism and I refuse to let my people be defined by what others have done to us.
Jewish law prohibits cruelty to animals and requires us to act to relieve the suffering of animals. See Treatment of Animals; Qorbanot: Sacrifices and Offerings.
There is no formal procedure for adoption in Judaism, but one who raises another person's child is acknowledged as the parent in many important ways.
Judaism permits abortion in appropriate circumstances, and sometimes even requires abortion.
Az írás folyamata, héber ábécét a római (angol). Több művészet, mint tudomány. Lásd még: jiddis átírásával, amely valamivel több szabványosított.
A tóra (Biblia), olvassa el a zsinagóga tekercseket a pergamen van írva.