Home > Industry/Domain > Aerospace
Industry that includes methods of travel and spacecraft for navigating the air or space.
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Aerospace > Space shuttle 
Aerospace; Space shuttle
That force which gives a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 meter per second per second; equal to 100,000 dynes.
nose shroud
Aerospace; Space shuttle
A cover on the nose of a rocket or spacecraft which jettisons before insertion into orbit.
one-way light time
Aerospace; Space shuttle
The elapsed time it takes for light, or a radio signal, to reach a spacecraft or other body from Earth, or vice versa.
oort cloud
Aerospace; Space shuttle
A large swarm of comets theorized to orbit the sun in the neighborhood of 50,000 AU.
orbit insertion
Aerospace; Space shuttle
The placing of a spacecraft into orbit around a planet or moon.
orbit trim maneuver
Aerospace; Space shuttle
The firing of control rockets to refine a spacecraft's speed and trajectory.

- Control systems (1744)
- Satellites (11359)
- Space flight (8863)
- Space shuttle (354)