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The practice of cultivating soil, crops, and livestock and the preparation or marketing of those products.The practice of cultivating soil, crops, and livestock and the preparation or marketing of those products.

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Agriculture > Animal feed

lactating animals

Agriculture; Animal feed

Animals that are on lactation i.e. producing milk in opposition to dry animals.

balanced ration

Agriculture; Animal feed

A 24-hour feed allowance that provides a specific animal species and class with appropriate amounts and proportions of all nutrients required for maintenance and a given level of ...

crude fat

Agriculture; Animal feed

Crude fat is an estimate of the total fat content of feeds from the older collection of methods known as proximate methodology.

crude fiber

Agriculture; Animal feed

This older proximate method was used to divide carbohydrates into digestible and indigestible fractions.

crude prote

Agriculture; Animal feed

Proteins are organic compounds composed of building blocks called amino acids. They are a major component of vital organs, tissue, muscle, hair, skin, milk, and enzymes. Protein ...


Agriculture; Animal feed

Digestibility refers to the extent to which a feedstuff is absorbed in the animal body as it passes through an animal’s digestive tract. It varies greatly with the type of ...

distillers grains

Agriculture; Animal feed

Distillers grains are residual grains or byproducts remaining after the starch from grains has been the fermented to alcohol.