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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > Evolution

larval stage

Archaeology; Evolution

The prereproductive stage of many animals. The term is particularly apt when the immature stage has a different form from the adult. For example, a caterpillar is the larval stage ...

Hardy-Weinberg ratio

Archaeology; Evolution

The ratio of genotype frequencies that evolve when mating is random and neither selection nor drift are operating. For two alleles (A and a) with frequencies p and q, there are ...


Archaeology; Evolution

The second oldest of the five major epochs of the Tertiary period, from 54 to 38 mya. It is often known for the rise of mammals.


Archaeology; Evolution

The scientific study of fossils.


Archaeology; Evolution

The science or practice of altering a population, especially of humans, by controlled breeding for desirable inherited characteristics. The term was coined in 1883 by Francis ...


Archaeology; Evolution

The rules by which words are combined to form grammatical sentences.

germ plasm

Archaeology; Evolution

The reproductive cells in an organism, or the cells that produce the gametes. All cells in an organism can be divided into the soma (the cells that ultimately die) and the germ ...