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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > Evolution

Alexey Kondrashov

Archaeology; Evolution

A population geneticist specializing in mathematical analysis who has studied the evolutionary role of slightly deleterious mutations. He has theorized that a primitive organism's ...


Archaeology; Evolution

A point on a chromosome that is involved in separating the copies of the chromosome produced during cell division. During this division, paired chromosomes look somewhat like an ...

Jenny Clack

Archaeology; Evolution

A paleontologist at Cambridge University in the U. K. , Dr. Clack studies the origin, phylogeny, and radiation of early tetrapods and their relatives among the lobe-finned fish. ...

Martin Pickford

Archaeology; Evolution

A paleontologist at the College de France in Paris. In 2000, Pickford and Brigitte Senut discovered Orrorin tugensis, a proto-hominid dated at 6 million years old.

Neil Shubin

Archaeology; Evolution

A paleontologist who is known for his work on early tetrapods (any creature with four limbs). He presented a hypothesis of general patterns of the development of tetrapod limbs ...

Paul Nurse

Archaeology; Evolution

A pioneer in genetic and molecular studies who revealed the universal machinery for regulating cell division in all eukaryotic organisms, from yeasts to frogs to human beings.

David Ho

Archaeology; Evolution

A physician and world-renowed AIDS researcher. Dr. Ho overturned an earlier conventional assumption that the HIV virus remains dormant for up to 10 years in a person before its ...