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Ancient astronomy. In its current understanding, the belief in the effect of celestial bodies on the lives of humans and world events.

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Astrology > General astrology

earthy triplicity

Astrology; General astrology

The Earth Signs: Capricorn; Taurus; Virgo. These signs are cold and dry by nature and melancholic by temperament.

east point

Astrology; General astrology

The sign and degree rising over the Earth's equator at any given moment.


Astrology; General astrology

Solar and Lunar eclipses are important keys to political and social events. They are also significant in natal and progressed horoscopes. An eclipse happens when the Sun, Earth ...


Astrology; General astrology

The Sun's apparent path through the zodiac, the central line of a belt some 15° – 18° wide around the Earth. The name refers to eclipses, which can only occur here.

electional astrology

Astrology; General astrology

A branch of astrology in which a chart is cast to determine the ideal time for any significant action, such as buying a house, starting a business, getting married, buying a car, ...


Astrology; General astrology

The closer a planet is to the midheaven in a chart, the more elevated, and therefore the more potent, it is.

elevated pole

Astrology; General astrology

The celestial pole that appears above the horizon.