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The social heritage and customs of an organized community,society or ethnic group.

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Culture > American culture


Culture; American culture

A machine to cool, dehumidify and circulate air was invented in 1902 by Willis Carrier of Brooklyn. Its impact expanded with compressors in the 1930s and window units in the ...


Culture; American culture

A nation of immigrants might be expected to manifest considerable fragmentation and widespread expression of ethnic or regional loyalties, rather than vociferous declarations of ...


Culture; American culture

A nicer way of saying “lay-offs,” emphasizing corporate/stockholder health and competition rather than the human cost of lost jobs, even within an expanding economy Downsizing has ...


Culture; American culture

A patch of well-tended and mown grass in front of the house became the ornament of American homes after the Civil War—present even in cities, but reaching new dimensions in ...


Culture; American culture

A religion with origins in West Africa, practiced in the Americas due to the large-scale displacement of Africans during the slave trade. Voudou thus combines elements of Roman ...

Attica uprising

Culture; American culture

A riot which broke out at Attica prison, near Buffalo, New York, on September 9, 1971. The immediate cause was a rumor that inmates had been beaten, but the underlying unrest was ...

Black Power

Culture; American culture

A slogan popularized, though not created, by Stokely Carmichael during the James Meredith march through Mississippi in 1966. Black Power became the dominant ideology of the black ...