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The discipline, art, skill and profession of applying scientific knowledge and principles to the design and manufacturing of machines, structures, devices, systems, materials and processes.
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Engineering > Civil engineering 
option value
Engineering; Civil engineering
Value associated with people who know they can visit an area in the future if they so desire. Also a reversible decision or an option to develop at some time in the future have ...
Engineering; Civil engineering
Impoundment immediately upstream from a dam or hydroelectric plant intake structure. The term is applicable to all types of hydroelectric developments (storage, run-of-river, and ...
Engineering; Civil engineering
Movement of (earth) material far enough so that payment, in addition to excavation pay, is made for haulage. The distance in excess of that given as the stated haul distance to ...
Budget Review Committee (BRC)
Engineering; Civil engineering
An ad hoc committee of representatives from each Region, the Reclamation Service Center, and the Washington Office, coordinates Reclamation budget activities through the ...
decision making
Engineering; Civil engineering
The second of five Early Warning System components consisting of the processes and facilities necessary to translate incoming data about the threatening event into decisions to ...
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Engineering; Civil engineering
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's mission is to describe and predict changes in the Earth's environment, and conserve and wisely manage the Nation's coastal ...
human environment
Engineering; Civil engineering
Natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment, including all combinations of physical, biological, cultural, social, and economic factors ...

- Civil engineering (17817)
- Coastal engineering (5676)
- Electronic engineering (297605)
- Hydrology (12)
- Mechanical engineering (546)