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The study of physical characteristics of earth and the distribution and effects of life on earth, especially that of humans.

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Geography > Geography

The Biggest Maritime Country

Geography; Geography

Indonesia is the biggest maritime country in the world with water covering 93000 km2 of the area and 81000 km2 coastline or almost 25% of the coastline in the world.


Geography; Geography

Bistra is a mountain that belongs to a young mountain chain in Western Macedonia. Famous for richness in a number of rare and medicinal herbs, like: wild thyme, St. John's wort, ...

Country with the most languages

Geography; Geography

Indonesia is a country with the most regional languages ​​, there are 583 languages ​​and dialects from the 67 main languages ​​used by various ethnic groups in Indonesia . The ...


Geography; Geography

The processes by which solid rock is eroded by rock fragments transported by running water, glacier ice, wind and breaking waves. Characteristic products of abrasion are: (i) ...

absolute instability

Geography; Geography

The condition of the atmosphere in which the environmental lapserate exceeds both the saturated adiabatic lapserate and the dry adiabatic lapse-rate. If air pockets begin to rise, ...

absolute stability

Geography; Geography

The condition of the atmosphere in which the environmental lapserate is less than both the saturated adiabatic lapse-rate and the dry adiabatic lapse-rate. If air pockets (even if ...


Geography; Geography

The process by which water is drawn from an underground aquifer for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. Sustainable abstraction involves a balance being achieved between ...