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Health care

Of or pertaining to the prevention and treatment of illness, and the preservation of physical and mental well-being, through the services provided by medical professionals.

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Health care > Women’s health


Health care; Women’s health

A buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances that accumulate in the walls of the arteries.


Health care; Women’s health

A cell, group of cells, or organ that makes chemicals and releases them for use by other parts of the body or to be excreted. The pituitary gland, for example, makes growth ...

uric acid

Health care; Women’s health

A chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are found in some foods and drinks, such as liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans and peas, beer, ...


Health care; Women’s health

A chronic (long-lasting) skin disease of scaling and inflammation that mostly affects adults. It occurs when skin cells quickly rise from their origin below the surface of the ...


Health care; Women’s health

A chronic disease of the lungs. Symptoms include cough, wheezing, a tight feeling in the chest, and trouble breathing.


Health care; Women’s health

A clinical psychologist is a professional who treats mental illness, emotional disturbance, and behavior problems. They use talk therapy as treatment, and cannot prescribe ...

peripheral vascular disease

Health care; Women’s health

A common disorder in which the arteries supplying oxygen rich blood from the heart to a limb (typically one or both legs) are blocked. As a result, the organs do not get enough ...