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Health care

Of or pertaining to the prevention and treatment of illness, and the preservation of physical and mental well-being, through the services provided by medical professionals.

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Health care > Women’s health

panic disorder

Health care; Women’s health

An anxiety disorder in which a person suffers from sudden attacks of fear and panic. The attacks may occur without a known reason, but many times they are triggered by events or ...

pressure sore

Health care; Women’s health

An area of damaged skin caused by staying in one position for too long. Also called bed sores.

nipple shield

Health care; Women’s health

An artificial latex or silicone nipple used over the mother's nipple during nursing.

systemic lupus erythematosus

Health care; Women’s health

An autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation and damage to the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain.

binge eating disorder

Health care; Women’s health

An eating disorder caused by a person being unable to control the need to overeat.

bulimia nervosa

Health care; Women’s health

An eating disorder caused by a person consuming an extreme amount of food all at once followed by self-induced vomiting or other purging.

anorexia nervosa

Health care; Women’s health

An eating disorder caused by a person having a distorted body image and not consuming the appropriate calorie intake resulting in severe weight loss.